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Color me white

Isn't it ironic that Indians are supporting #blacklivesmatter and talking about equality and racism?

We are the same people who want daughter-in-law as white as milk and pressurize dark-skinned women to use Fair & Lovely.

 Here we want justice for Floyd and we burn our daughter-in-law for dowry.

Bollywood celebrities are posting "ALL COLOURS ARE BEAUTIFUL'', and this is the same Bollywood who is obsessed with fairness and have a fistful of dusky complexion actresses.

Even in the movie Bala, they choose to lather bronzer on a fair-skinned actress instead of simply hiring a brown skin actress.

In the movie Super 30, real-life Anand Kumar's skin is nowhere near as dark as portrayed by Hrithik Roshan.

Whenever Bollywood tries to make a movie on rural lives they hire fair-skinned actors and put a ton of bronzer. This is a kind of association between skin color and social classes.

Bollywood has glorified lighter skin as the standard of beauty in many ways, songs like Chittiyan Kalaiyan and gore mukhade are just merely examples.

We Indians talk about RACISM and practice COLORISMIt's no surprise, we are practicing discrimination based on caste and color for ages.

Fairness Industry portrays light skin women to attain not only marital bliss but also a rise in career. Thanks to Bollywood, Fairness Industry, and pados wali aunty who thinks आज तू गोरी लग रही है is a compliment.

Now, the question is why brown people feel ashamed of brown facing?
Color me white Color me white Reviewed by The Brown Brain on June 03, 2020 Rating: 5


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